Barroso you will have seen comments in the press
about his speech of Weds morning. They
are not exaggerated, he is on a mission, they all are. Nothing will stop
them making this a Single
European State
in one form or another. They will go on towards this aim. Dismiss any thoughts
of, "changing the EU from within". This never was an option, now that
should be clear to all and we must convince people of this. I, for one, have heard
enough of the apologists saying that we must be in it to change it. We must
tell the truth, again, that this is an unstoppable steamroller and that the
only way is out.
From my notes of
Barroso's 42 minute speech of Weds morning.
*(justifying the
last 50 years) "It took the UK 150 years to double its GDP"
*The Commission
takes the lead in sustainability/equality/ fairness/ growth
*Greece is a
turning point
* the ECB will not
finance Governments
* the Commission
rules, with European Parliament oversight
* the FTT will
cover banks and financial institutions need to be brought together
* there must be a
Banking Union.
*There will
be Federation of nation States, guide
for years to come, NOT a superstate!
* Sovereignty must
be shared
*It must be a Union WITH the member states, not OF the member States.
*It needs a new
* needs a new EMU
* All nationalists
and populists are bad!
*Especially, the
Commission has today adopted EPP, European Political Parties, (which our party
voted against last conference against the advice of those who actually take
part in this European Parliament. It looks like we were right, if it means we
will not be able to take part in the next European Parliament Elections unless
we are in an EPP. Rather than join one we should start one, to preserve our
main claim to electoral success)
This was followed
by a round from all group leaders. Unusually, after Barosso Had summed up there
was another round from group leaders and another Barosso summing up, 3 hours
altogether. We wonder if this was a one off, or the shape of things to come.
For the S & D
Swaboda remarked that the EU was to be an emerging state, not a submerging one!
(leader of the Lib-Dems and former Belgian Premier) said it is not yet a
federation and it must be a political entity, not an economic one.
**At this point
the President interrupted proceedings to inform us of the decision of the German Constitutional Court ,
that the complaint had been rejected and so the ECB will go on. Some UK
newspapers recorded that this was greeted by a standing ovation; no it was
not.. The leftie side of the house gave it very good (seated) applause, our
side of the house remained quiet.
Thursday, the vote, "Proposal for a European Banking Union"
passed with a large majority. Once implemented it will be the end of the Bank
of England.
Wednesday. Votes
on 4 Fishing reports to which I spoke on Tuesday evening, text and video on
website, my speech being a catch-all because the 4 reports were lumped together
as a Joint Debate (not uncommon). Of interest was that I was "blue
carded" ie a blue card was waved to ask me a question. This was from Chris
Davies (.Lib-Dem, North West )
a leader, of sorts in the fishing debacle. He was trying to drive a wedge
between UKIP MEPs by asking about which
UKIP MEPs supported him (ie wanted to preserve UK fishing) and who did not. I gave
him no satisfaction in my reply so he crossed the floor of the house to sit
beside me and bend my ear for 5 mins or so! All of which is because I, and the
rest of us, want the CFP abolished, he wants to reform it.
Lastly a bit of
humour. Today Lamberts, rapporteur of the "European Venture Capital
Funds" report asked for a postponement of the final vote, adoption, of his
report. That was, he said, because he had failed to get agreement with the
Council on his report. He was going to ask, he said, if Council would agree
today, in the chamber, but there was no one of the Council there! I counted up.
There were just 12 Council Assistants present, no one in the front 3 rows where
the actual Council members sit. So after Barosso's strident comments about a
Federal Europe not one minister of any EU country could be bothered to attend
Parliament, which is supposed to work in harmony with the Council.
Ís that a sign of
Federal things to come?
Just to round of,
a cutting from the press summary we get every day.-
Immigration - Law
change could mean exodus of Russians to UK
Evening Telegraph, p.14): "THE news that we could see a large exodus
of Russian citizens coming into the UK is worrying. A law change in Latvia would see the right to citizenship handed
to the children and grandchildren of all Latvians sent by Stalin and his Soviet
successors into exile in Siberia . Many could
end up in this country, as Latvians are entitled to live and work in the UK . (...). This
law change could see the Latvian population in our towns and cities swell even
more - we must regain control of our borders and getting out of the EU is the
only way to do that. (Derek Clark UKIP MEP for the East
Midlands )
Derek Clark MEP Strasbourg 13th Sept 2012
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